Sunday, May 23, 2021

“All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.” JRR Tolkien


Last night we watched Brene Brown’s Ted Talk on You Tube.  

This morning during yoga, Adriene gave us the mantra “Peace in my thoughts” and I had a realization that my convictions are my own and they are valid to me, but I note that I lack strength sometimes in standing up for them. In efforts to avoid confrontation and maintain the peace, I stay silent. This weakness is in me, not in the truth for which I stand.


The truth is strong. I must exercise my muscles of conviction so that I may effectively communicate Peace.  


My speech, my stand for my convictions, need not be aggressive, or combative. How I am “being” during my communication of my truth, speaks more to the point than words. I simply need to practice embodying peace while disagreeing with those for whom violence is the only option.


Hate...comes at us...but...never from all sides at once...if we’re lucky.


What I learned from reading the works of Tolkien was my own sense of self-worth. That even though all seems fallen into ill favor and disrepute, something Honorable and Nobel endures. And no one can take that away from me.


“All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.”


I find it dangerous and disturbing that there are those in this world dedicated to perpetually keeping people angry at one another while at the same time ensuring they have easy access to lethal weapons. It is a deadly combination plaguing us with seemingly no end in sight. It is time for me to raise my voice, not in shout, but in calm protest against, the tide of inequity rising everywhere.


Tomorrow marks what would have been my mother's 92nd birthday. Happy Birthday in heaven mommy. Miss you everyday.


I wrote this about Paul Rebhan last weekend while at the in-laws house.




All night he labored...or was it all nights ?
Constantly tinkering
tweaking, tightening...

Unlike a machine with its levers and


he no longer swings from the flys

but encrypts data with pandemic precision for his first love:

A Theatre of the Mind

like a Richard Foreman or an Ann Bogert disembodying wisdom, folly, satire, lunacy...


Ever it was music or ...was it always music?


Sometimes melancholy, often sardonic, hypnotic, offensive, absurd,

yet ultimately, tragic, brutal, sad as a tale of cyber crossed lovers shocked as they kiss over convoluted wires entangled in nebulous clouds of stellar gases forming new dimensions recently imagined with nonsensical understanding,

a loyal old friendship in revision reverting to original settings of wonder


The universe expands within

contracts without

outer space folding at depth inside pressurized cabinets of

cognac, single malt, mezcal, and tequila.


“Margarita, rocks, no salt, please Bruno,”

before a wrecking ball steamrolls this venue

into an oblivion of disintegrated nostalgia

along with Don Julio, Santa Maria, Desdemona, Harley Quinn,

and all the magically real characters of Gabriel Garcia Marquez


His poem is not over

O no. Not yet. Not until

eons of time cycle over nature

in an infinite ramble of passionate rhapsody

exhausting and rejuvenating force beyond breath

exhaled by Buddha

laughing at genius unrecognized

by narrow eyes in beings barely sentient


to the present






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