Sunday, March 24, 2019


My challenge to myself to boycott Facebook for live streaming 17 minuets of murder enters double digit days. This is not to say I have totally abandoned my friends there. I have used messenger to communicate, and received e-mail notifications for some of your posts.

But I have not "scrolled" my news feed for nine days. More importantly, I have not been looking at the targeted advertising. It is a small gesture, I know. However, I feel it important to take some kind of stand.

In a world where we all can take more control of our entertainment programming then ever before, we seem increasingly dependent on one source of information. Divide and Conquer is still a very real threat, and we have been severely divided in this nation.  I personally am experiencing a Red Neck Elitism in my part of the country. The "If you are not with us, you are against us, my way or the highway" set if you will.

If we keep being steered to the extreme right, or the extreme left, all we do is go round in circles.

We need now, more than ever, a more direct path to the future. One that does not treat the very real problems of our society like clay pigeons to be shot down for sport by people who would like to destroy our government.

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