Sunday, March 20, 2016

And We'll Walk in the Sun..."

All the journals I can find are out on the table. Photos are from our trip to Mexico in 2009 and New Mexico in August 2002. The other night I finished a bottle of Mezcal Joven. Joven = young. I was young when I wrote the following:


The Mezcal Tastes Like Smoke

The Mezcal tastes
like smoke
from a fire
age old

In twilit suburban drear 
for the wound
( and to bless the house )
lemon citron yellow

rainy season
 Gift of life 
falls from the sky
laced with cyanide

 Lilac blooms 
but its arduous aroma of
no longer pervades 
the air of May

noise of tred
on wet asphalt 
whines and hisses
like an asp
coiled in rock below 
poised to strike a fatal blow
like fine wine
spiked with unleaded 
 electric flame
rises High into the night

Neon and Argon
Silver and Gold
Flesh undulates
forth and back
muscle tenses
in attack
by the throat
of goats

The Mezcal tastes like smoke"

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