Sunday, March 20, 2016

And We'll Walk in the Sun..."

All the journals I can find are out on the table. Photos are from our trip to Mexico in 2009 and New Mexico in August 2002. The other night I finished a bottle of Mezcal Joven. Joven = young. I was young when I wrote the following:


The Mezcal Tastes Like Smoke

The Mezcal tastes
like smoke
from a fire
age old

In twilit suburban drear 
for the wound
( and to bless the house )
lemon citron yellow

rainy season
 Gift of life 
falls from the sky
laced with cyanide

 Lilac blooms 
but its arduous aroma of
no longer pervades 
the air of May

noise of tred
on wet asphalt 
whines and hisses
like an asp
coiled in rock below 
poised to strike a fatal blow
like fine wine
spiked with unleaded 
 electric flame
rises High into the night

Neon and Argon
Silver and Gold
Flesh undulates
forth and back
muscle tenses
in attack
by the throat
of goats

The Mezcal tastes like smoke"

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

And We'll Walk in the Sun...Hawaii 1999

When I left home for Hawaii in 1999, I was with a young, beautiful woman. When I returned I was in the company of the love of my life. My goals for that trip were romance and adventure. It was the romance of being with a vivacious, smart woman, and the adventure of black sand beaches, volcanoes, and lava flows. What happened was unexpected. I do love to be pleasantly surprised. Yes, there were all the elements of a fine romance novel. However, the best stories are ones that change your life forever. This is that story told in notes directly from my journal.

We were both doing the Artist’s Way at the time and writing morning pages. I was taking a lot of photographs with an SLR (single lens reflex) using good old fashioned Kodak and Fuji film, so there is a lot of jargon about photography…The trip to Hawaii at times was long and arduous, but not this part. We stayed in a place overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Room 204 of the H. Manago Hotel.

 “It’s a small family run Japanese Hotel with unbelievable rates—no phone, no TV, clean as if the word were invented here…

Aug. 19, 1999

The Luau was very commercial. A visit to the local Hard Rock Café and two “real” Mahi Thai’s by Wayne did us good. We couldn’t finish them. Bread pudding made us pucker w/ sweetness. Still – Luau was a good way to sample the local cuisine. You must mix Poke w/ Poi for it to be palatable—the Lau Lau was pork wrapped in banana leaf—good! Rice, white fish boiled or steamed more likely, cinnamon over bananas sliced in one inch thick chunks and fresh sliced pineapple filled my plate...

Roll #8 finished there the 400 slides. Roll #9 ASA 1600 B/W. I’m sure shots of Luau are a bust, but I did some stuff at the room this morning I think may go well. Using available light (as if I ever use anything else). Shot many at F8-16 (aperture opening) @ 60/30 (shutter speed)…

Manago Breakfast – I don’t know if my taste buds have awakened or if everything here just tastes so good! Papaya, toast, eggs over real easy, Portuguese sausage patties (Andouille type) silver dollar size and thick w/ a bottomless cup of Kona coffee. $10 bucks for two of us!!

Now…Time for kayaking – 9:00am – 4pm No photos of kayaking. Didn’t want to risk the camera.

The – profound solemnity of this moment defies all words. We swam with Dolphins! 

Shards of light sliced through the water and there they were—and there we were—in Kealakekua Bay.

At one point, I counted 15 [wild] Spinner Dolphins. 2 calves! One—after nuzzling its mother, sped to the surface from maybe 20-15 ft of ocean and broke the surface in a gleeful jump before my eyes at about 3 yards away! They are magnificent, sensitive creatures. I am not worthy. All the events that led us to that place…the Manago Hotel, the chance of us going to the KEALAKEKUA KAYAK RENTAL and having this nice, little old lady from Chicago and her Danish husband Olin enrolling us in the possibilities of kayaking to Cook’s Point and maybe seeing Dolphins. Dude, we didn’t just see them, we swam with them. I love Jennifer for leading me here! I love life—so much!...

On the drive home, finish Roll #9 in Waimea, Horse country. F 22/60-125 and Program


Phenomenal Day. Back in Hilo—What can ever possibly Top this. I HAVE HAD A PEAK LIFE EXPERIENCE. I—AM—SPEECHLESS. I’m sure tomorrow in the AM words will flow, but for now—Aloha."

Sunday, March 13, 2016

"And We'll Walk in the Sun"

On Sunday last, while spending time with my wife who came to visit for her Spring Break from ECU, I came up with a title for my next piece of literary work. I did not know whether this would be a book of poetry, or a novel, but I liked the title. It's not original, I rarely ever do anything original. It comes from one of our favorite Bruce Springsteen songs.  Born to Run.

Tuesday night Jennifer and I dug into our old journals and began reading entries to one another. Not only is it one of the most intimate things we've ever done,the readings were also quite dramatic and revealed to us ourselves in a very particular way. Not purely nostalgic, but in a way where we could be objective and think critically about our own words. We were both excited about revisiting our former selves and remember well how those two people propelled us into the future. I love my wife now as much, if not more than I did back then.

Wednesday I decided to start transcribing my handwritten journal entries into my present electronic journal and perhaps share them on the pages of this Web log. I wondered if anyone would care to read it. Then something almost mystical happened.

Friday we went to the Apple store on West 14th Street and 9th Avenue in Manhattan so Jen could bring her Mac to the Genius Bar. Upon returning to the truck which we parked in a nearby garage, I noted someone had left a very readable hard cover copy of H is for Hawk in the open bed. I have not read it yet, but plan to straight away. I am taking this as a sign. The universe is agreeing with my choice to share our story.


This morning I dropped Jennifer off at LaGuardia and hugged her a long time before saying farewell. We saw 3 amazing plays while she was here. The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Shakespeare's (so they say) Pericles of Tyre, and Buried Child by Sam Shepard. All three were power house productions in their own right, executing and delivering their respective stories with skill and high theatrical art. We are pleased.