Maybe I will take a slow ride on my red bike. But Brooklyn is particularly ugly this morning. I chose not to photograph a broken bag of garbage being constantly run over in the middle of Court Street, or the dead pet rat on the sidewalk. I say pet because it looked plump and clean, brown, not gray, but dead all the same, right there on the sidewalk next to a lamp post...outside a restaurant.

Maybe I will write something, or work on something I've already written. Lord knows the novel is stuck in limbo. Buried beyond Blue Print Reading and A Day in the Life of a Building Inspector. Sandwiched between the Administrative Code and the 2008 Building Code: An Introduction. Lost in all those details is the story of a man and his city, his past and his present, his sense of duty, and his obligation to himself...Or maybe I will clean the apartment, or get to painting the bathroom. Or...Maybe I will read my horoscope and see what advice the stars have for me...OR...

OR...maybe I'll just stay in and rub that kitty belly.
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