It may be a bit hard to read, but now that Poetry Month is over and the Lilacs are in full bloom in dooryards and lanes all over Brooklyn...

I am reporting from the county of Kings that proof readers for the MTA are illiterate. While a return of Poetry in Motion is a welcome sight in the subway system of New York, you would think they would announce it correctly and give us more than two poems. Though both lovely how many times can you read the same thing over and over everyday?

I do prefer the one about Grand Central as it makes me want to deviate from my path and wander that awe inspiring man-made cavern myself for an hour visiting the world famous Oyster Bar far below the streets busy and bustling with whatever. Ah, spring, she is here at last with cool temperatures and not too many April showers. Yesterday I actually stopped and put my face into that bush you see pictured.
And if that scent doesn't get you roused you are probably planted in the earth yourself. Yes, I stopped and smelled the flowers. Life is still beautiful in sparse moments, even though there remains so much for which we must remain on guard. Happy May Day to those who remember the May Pole and the May Fate. May Day! May Day! We are not going down...at least not in a bad way.
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