This view is from Battery Park City overlooking the bay. It's rumored the Vernal Equinox took place recently. Were we still in tune with the natural world we may sense the spectral scent of April lilacs lurking in a subtle undercurrent on this bitterly cold breeze. Spring time is clearly feminine, coming when she wants, and not a moment before.
These doldrums have me languishing, I have work enough to do. My novel needs re-writing, my blog needs tending, my bike needs riding, my wife needs loving, but I am stuck, stuck, stuck. I enjoy going to work for the Building Department for the ridged structure of the day. I have been staring at this computer for a week. And it's not like I don't know what I need to do. I am just thoroughly disgusted with this crazy winter.
Determined not to let this defeat me, I am blogging in an effort to shake my self awake, though dreams have been interesting of late, and I really am getting into my Netflix Game of Thrones...as more and more becomes clear about what my novel needs, the less I am inclined to dig in. This is the opposite of writers block, more like writers constipation. No jokes about an enema please, the politically correct term is colonic.
Add to this condition a renewed yearning, masochistic as it may be, to return from self imposed exile and begin performing on stage again. I've actually composed a new song, one that appears in the novel. Which in turn distracts me toward technology available, I am certain, where I can record and distribute the tune without having to leave my living room.
It is Sunday. I am taking the opportunity to reflect, read the papers, (or the ipad in my case), and give myself a break from all my recent bad habits. So rather than keep my loved ones guessing about what I am up to...here as indication of my current situation. Most people would love these problems and I am counting my blessings. Thanks all for caring to share this page with me. Here's looking forward to spring...after the snow storm predicted for tomorrow, of course.
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