Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Divinity of Mistakes –

The other night, before bed, I decided to check channel 26 to see something, I forget now why, but I hit too many numbers and wound up on a Showtime channel where the end credits to a movie were rolling, I don’t know which film, but the haunting, lilting sounds coming from my TV caused me to pause. I sat transfixed, my wife came out to see what the hell I was doing just sitting there watching the bland, black and white credits to a film neither of us had just seen. “I’ll be in…in a minute,” I said. I watched the credits to the end so I could see that the song “It Ain’t Easy” was preformed by Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet.

Now, I can’t stop listening to her. I read her story on Wikipedia. What an amazing journey she has been on and I realize most of you taking the time to read me already know her. Inspired, I actually picked up my banjo and realized I could now tune it with the new electronic tuner I had purchased for the guitar. So now, this morning, listening to her song “City of Refuge” I hear the line: “To run with the Gods, You gotta Run Harder” Abigail Washburn. This resonates with me in ways you all can relate to I am sure. I wallow in my mediocrity because I need to work harder. Harder to get my words heard, harder to get my novel out there, harder to keep the citizens of New York safe. I’m gonna run, run, run to the City of Refuge. Run, run, and run.

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