Saturday, March 27, 2021

Robert Frost's Birthday

 This from the All Poetry Facebook page:


 "Today we wish a happy birthday to Robert Frost, who was born on this day in 1874. Which one of his poems is your favorite? To celebrate his poetry and his life, we challenge you to write a poem in his signature style. If you're stuck, use your favorite Frost poem as inspiration."


March 27, 2021 


"... when a man’s desires are large and powerful they can knock out his deliberation."




     Remembering James.

The mountain is steep and so very high.

“To the summit!” My mortal voice does cry.

Haloed in clouds and mist of rainbow shade

but heavy legs of lead have me waylaid.


My heart does often yearn for lofty views

away up there atop God’s rock hewn pews.

To fill my shallow lungs with wind born air 

in places where the mythic raptors dare.


Yet stand I here, still at pinnacle’s boot

daunted by the wonder of mountain root.

So though upward may my ambition soar,

I tarry here on a grassy floor. 


Photo by Allan DiBiase




Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Not Rocket Science


March 24th, 2021


Another week. Another mass shooting with an assault rifle. It is clear we will never be able to preserve and defend the United States’ Constitution with an individual’s “right” to own an assault weapon regardless of age, criminal background, or mental fitness.


Aristotle said   “…a spur-of-the-moment choice has to be based on character.” Yet we repeatedly arm those of questionable character with weapons of mass destruction. And when they spontaneously commit heinous acts, we say it is not the time to have the talk. This is a specious argument when these attacks happen on an on-going basis.


Now it is the time. Anyone saying otherwise is defending his or her own prurient self-interest.


No one should own one of these weapons without a complete background check which would constitute a waiting period.


No one under the age of 30 should own them.


Private owners must be licensed, bonded, and insured. Any unjustified death or destruction resulting from the use or misuse of a privately owned weapon is the liability of the insured.


That would constitute the definition of “well regulated.”


High capacity clips must be banned, as should any substance or chemical which has the sole purpose of killing as many human beings in as short amount of time as possible.


The Constitution of The United States is not a license to kill.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Happy March, Happy Spring!

 The trees are blooming along with the daffodils here in Greenville, North Carolina. Today I may be able to make an appointment to get my vaccine to prevent COVID-19. Hope springs eternal they say. Here is today's rant.

There is a lot of talk about censorship and free speech lately. When speech incites violence, it is no longer free. Language is a tool. The written and spoken word is used to communicate thoughts, ideas, art, love…and even hate. When our words inspire destructive impulses, especially in groups or masses of people who would never behave in such a manner on their own, then society is in danger of disintegrating into chaos.


The story of a shovel is one I would use to illustrate my point...


So, a shovel is a tool designed, manufactured, and used for the purpose of digging, of moving soil, sand, or aggregate one scoop at a time from one place to another. When a person uses that shovel as intended, but the end result is the undermining of a foundation to a building, we would examine the wisdom of the person wielding the shovel. There may be severe consequences to their destructive act. Whether it is through malice, or neglect, or ignorance, gravity will not discriminate. Should a person be shown continually and with full fore knowledge to undermine the foundations of structures with that shovel, they could be charged, tried, and convicted of wrongdoing, and their right to bear and keep shovels may be suspended for a time. However, should a person use that same tool for a purpose not intended, say to bash in the skulls of other human beings, that person would be restrained, and the shovel immediately taken away so they could no longer murder people. In any case, it would not matter why a person would want to destroy buildings or bash in skulls. We may even understand their motivations. We may even agree with their point of view. Yet those who support the destruction of property and death of fellow citizens are hopefully few and not representative of society as a whole.


Face Book, Twitter and the rest are also tools. These tools are designed and maintained to make their owners and operators very, very rich. They are not media companies falling under the jurisdiction of journalistic ethics. Yet they have witnessed their products used to threaten society in such a way so as to undermine the very foundations of democracy. They are obligated to take action, not out of any altruistic motivation, but by sound business sense. They realize that the destruction of their user base is not good for business. In essence, they are regulating themselves. Are they bowing to pressure? You bet. Market pressure. The majority is speaking. A majority which is no longer silent.


What I would say to those wielding the "Free Speech" tool is use your shovel wisely lest you be buried under the rubble of your own hubris.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Half the Picture

 Two sides to a coin but we can only see one at a time. Still, we know another side is there.


Half the picture is more deceiving. We often are not aware we are only seeing a portion of the story. Therefore judgment may be skewed and ultimately unjustly harsh.


Half the picture

 In our information age diligence is not always due, but forgone in order to get what we think the story is about out in front of the populace for instant assessment. 


Many, many good people are being hurt by this while those with ill will may profit.

Full picture

Journalism 101. Corroborate your source. Give your readers the full picture. 


And if you can be anything...yes...Be Kind. But also...

Be responsible.