Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thank You, All.


How blessed we? I did not sleep well last night. I have to stop eating like a teenager! We just completed Yoga for the Belly in which I was finally able to get into some semblance of a Dancer pose. Despite a slight uptick in my body weight due to some holiday festivity, yoga practice ever deepens. Today, in my exhausted state, was profound in that I was able to focus on my breath and the heat emanating from my body.  Stopping the world of a sometimes tedious internal dialog in the process.


In the wee hours of the morning a realization occurred. I write in the introduction of my memoir “My Brother-in-Law’s Kitchen” about how self-sufficiency was baked into me by my not only my parents, but the world around me as well. It is a powerful value, especially here in the United States, this independence and rugged individualism. I praised it in my opening chapters, yet I am considering revising about how I feel by the end.


My realization this morning was that I never learned how to ask for help. Indeed, I came to feel that a question, any question, was a sign of weakness. Perhaps that’s why I was a very quiet child and young adult. This is not to say I never received help. I was the beneficiary of so much by people who came and asked me if I wanted some.


Certainly, there were times when it got to a point where it became evident to all that I was in dire need. People could see I was struggling and took the time, had the patience and generosity to offer assistance. There was not always a gracious response. Other times I was openly grateful and I mention many names of those people in my memoir. Yet the point of crisis is long past the time when I should have sought out assistance for myself.


Needless to say, this reticence to express my mental, physical, or spiritual distress had a tremendous detrimental effect on my development. Slowly I have been able to see how asking for and receiving aid is not a fault. It takes more strength to admit defeat and deficiency than it does to follow the age old fallacy of suffering in silence. I watched that suffering consume my father.


This may be a verbose letter of gratitude to all who check in regularly on me whether by text, phone, or a visit to this blog. Yet I will no longer wait to say “Thank you” all for being there.


Have blessed and safe holidays. Raise a glass to a better, brighter 2021!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Blast From the Past Department

I thought this bit of correspondence was lost until looking at Jen's edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets in our modest library, and there folded neatly marking the page of what I call the prophetic sonnet 64 [LXIV] was my rejection letter from Peter Jackson... well...his casting director in New Zealand... prior to production for the Lord of the Rings movies. I always remembered the letter head.



Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I Went Out Into America


I went out into America
And saw a man shooting
With a machine gun
I asked him why
He said he was angry
I said I understand.

Went out into America
Saw a mother and child hungry
I asked why
She hung her head
I said I understand

Went to dwell in America
Found people of faith impoverished
Asked them why
Said they might win a lottery - someday
I said I understand

Went to Washington DC
Saw politicians
Asked them why
Why were men angry?
Mothers hungry?
People poor with no hope?
They said don’t make waves.

I don’t understand

Earth is plentiful.
Oceans wide. 
What good has come from greed and pride ? 
Power to control who lives and who dies?
 Manipulation through transparent lies? 
When all could share the bounty of life 
I understand anger, shame and grief.
 I understand we need some relief.

What I don’t understand is someone’s belief
 that certain people are undeserving of love. 
Because they differ in appearance or view
What the world needs now
is something NEW.

Friday, November 6, 2020

“Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed, things rank, and gross possess it merely. That it should come to this…”


It is rare… democracy is being undermined by people who lack proof. They have abandoned the process of logic, fact, evidence, procedure, and all manners pertaining to rule of law. Tell me again, who the radicals are, I have quite forgotten. The Cult of DJT, he whom shall not be named, refuses to accept reality.


Hello darkness…seeds planted in sleeping brains have sprouted suffocating weeds and choking vines which threaten to strangle our system of democracy. Our very young and oh so seemingly frail experiment in a free and just society is having a few unanticipated reactions. Things are exploding. Urged on by a well-crafted set-up which lacks credibility except for those deluded by their ring leader, masses are no longer quiet in their desperation to maintain power. It is truly sad and frightening.



Real Americans, brave, free Americans fear neither antifa nor armed militias for there is still in place our way of life, our majority, silently agreed upon, that the law must be upheld.